Tehiyah Day School's
30th Anniversary Gala

HG1: Hyer Architecture
Planning to embark on a residential or commercial construction project? This certificate entitles you to a 2-hour, on-site consultation with award-winning ecological architect Fred Hyer of Hyer Architecture.
Minimum Bid: $140 Value: $210
Donor: Hyer Architture

HG2: Hardwood Flooring Gift Certificate
Need your floors redone or refinished? This gift certificate will give you $300 toward labor and materials. Now you can stop procrastinating! Flier here.
Minimum Bid: $150 Value: $300
Donor: Amber Flooring

HG3: A Personal Handyman for the Day
Isn't it time to take care of all those pesky repair projects around the house? Get out that list of things to do and McCutcheon Construction will take care of them for you! McCutcheon Construction, a premier Green Builder in Berkeley, will provide you with a construction manager for an entire business day, ensuring you quality work and maximum efficiency. Tasks included in this auction item include, but are not limited to:
•    install door knobs, locks and deadlocks
•    test and/or install smoke detectors
•    align cabinet and closet doors
•    touch-up paint on trim and cabinets
•    replace plumbing fixtures
•    assemble closet organizers
•    caulk around window panes
•    clean gutters
•    clean and/or replace light fixtures
•    repair drywall
•    replace and/or repair tile
•    replace cabinet hardware
•    install shelving and hanger rods
•    fix sticky doors and windows

When you win this auction item, the company will consult with you in advance to coordinate a scope of work and a supplies list so that when they arrive at your house, they are ready to work. The sooner you take care of all of those miscellaneous house projects, the sooner you can sit back and enjoy your home. Note: Supplies to be provided by homeowner. Auction item must be used by January 1, 2010.
Minimum Bid: $600 Value: $850
Donor: McCutcheon Construction

HG4: Interior Design Consultation by Rochelle Silberman
Give your home an upgrade with a home visit from an interior designer! Based on your needs, Tehiyah parent Rochelle Silberman of McCutcheon Construction will make recommendations on how to reorganize your space either by using your existing furniture and objects or by purchasing new items. She can also help with the selection of paint colors and materials. Two hours of time is included in this initial consultation.
Minimum Bid: $150 Value: $200
Donor: Rochelle Silberman

HG5: Interior Design Consultation by Reni Aniela
Get a fresh look at your décor with this two-hour interior design consultation at your home or office, provided by Reni Aniela of Interior Balance. Interior Balance is a design firm that works collaboratively to help create beautiful, comfortable, functional interiors that fit you. Utilizing general principles of green design and feng shui, each interior becomes a natural and supportive extension of its occupants. Clients are thus nurtured and inspired by their interior environments.
Minimum Bid: $80 Value: $120
Donor: Reni Aniela of Interior Balance

HG6: Dump Run
Is your garage no longer accessible? This service is made for you. Nick Silberman will come to your home, load up all your garbage and take it to far-away place where you don’t ever have to see it again. Dump fees not included.
Minimum Bid: $75 Value: $150
Donor: Nick Silberman

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